发布时间:2012-06-16 06:08:32
All of our product line is made from virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other critical ingredients such as UV inhibitors and impact modifiers. This gives the material long-term durability, flexibility and weather ability.
Unlike the mass-produced plastic products you may be familiar with, our product line is engineered to maintain its true color for a lifetime.
Just like when you spend time in the sun, vinyl needs a sunscreen. It combines Titanium Dioxide(Tio2), and impact modifiers to hold up in the most extreme climates.
Our vinyl has 5 times the tensile strength and 4 times the flexibility of wood. We improve that performance and make our systems even sturdier by adding cross-braces in gates, reinforced ribs in rails, a sturdy self-notching rail system and maintenance-free metal inserts.
Our products are manufactured in three colors: white, gray and tan. Our garden products are ***ailable in white only. All our colors are c***istent so that color matching with our other products is never a problem.
It's a scientific fact that dark colors fade and deteriorate faster than light colors, so a more complex vinyl formula is necessary to protect and preserve them. And because we don't feel the technology is in place to guarantee you with a lifetime product, we simply don't offer them.
No. Yellowing in vinyl products is due to the sun's ultr***iolet rays. Our products contain an industry leading 10 parts per 100 of titanium dioxide (TiO2), which is an extremely effective UV inhibitor. This amount of TiO2 is more than enough to prevent breakdown from the sun's ultr***iolet rays.
Our products are safe enough for even the youngest members of your family, because they h***e ***ooth surfaces with no nails, sharp edges or splinters. Not only do our fences hold up to regular property maintenance, but they're also made to bounce back on impact because they're reinforced with steel inserts. It is wise, however, to be careful when using mowers, weeders or clippers along your fence line.
Initially, our products may cost more than wood (unless you're buying premium wood, then they're about on par). But you'll never need to invest any more time or money into them because they come with our lifetime warranty. Wood, on the other hand, will need to be maintained for the rest of its life span, whether painting, staining, repairing or replacing. And with wood's cost increasing while its quality decreases (most of it's young growth lumber), vinyl products h***e never been a more attractive purchase.
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地址: 主营产品:ABS/PVC异型材管,塑胶长椅,塑胶平椅,IC电子包装管,LED包装管
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